User Signups

The BuddyPress Signups endpoint helps you manage member registrations of your community site.

Note: User registrations must be enabled on your community site to be able to use the following endpoints.


The schema defines all the fields that exist for a signup object.


Unique numeric identifier for the signup.
Read only
Context: viewedit

The login of the new user.
Context: view, edit

The email of the new member.
Context: edit

string or null
The registration date for the new member, in the site’s timezone.
Read only
Context: viewedit

string or null
The registration date for the new member, as GMT.
Read only
Context: viewedit

string or null
The date the activation email was sent to the pending member, in the site’s timezone.
Read only
Context: edit

string or null
The date the activation email was sent to the pending member, as GMT.
Read only
Context: edit

The number of times the activation email was sent to the pending member.
Read only
Context: edit

The signup meta information. BuddyPress uses it to store the password hash of the new member. This password hash is never included into the BP REST API responses.
Context: edit
site_name (1)

Unique name (slug) of the new member’s child site.
Default: ''
Context: edit
site_title (1)

Title of the new member’s child site.
Default: ''
Context: edit
site_public (1)

Search engine visibility of the new member’s site. true to be visible, false otherwise.
Default: true
Context: edit
site_language (1)

Language to use for the new member’s site.
Default: the Network main site’s locale (eg: en_US)
One of: the available locales of the Network.
Context: edit

(1) Only available on WordPress Multisite configurations where it is possible to signup with a blog.

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List Signups

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contextstringScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: view
One of: view, edit
numberintegerTotal number of signups to return.
Default: 1
offsetintegerOffset the result set by a specific number of items.
Default: 1
includearrayEnsure the result set includes specific Signup IDs.
Default: []
user_loginstringEnsure the result set only returns the signup for a specific pending member login.
Default: ''
orderbystringOrder the result set according to a specific parameter.
Default: signup_id
One of: signup_id, login, email, registered, activated
orderarrayOrder sort type (ascending or descending).
Default: desc
One of: asc, desc

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GET /buddypress/v1/signup

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup',
  type: 'GET',
  data: {
    context: 'view'
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );

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Signup a user (with or without a blog)

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user_loginstringA numeric identifier for the new member.
passwordstringPassword for the new member.
user_emailstringThe email address for the new member.
signup_field_data (1)arrayThe XProfile field data for the new user.
site_name (2)stringUnique name (slug) of the new member’s child site.
Default: ''
site_title (2)stringTitle of the new member’s child site.
Default: ''
site_public (2)booleanSearch engine visibility of the new member’s site. true to be visible, false otherwise.
Default: true
site_language (2)stringLanguage to use for the new member’s site.
Default: the Network main site’s locale (eg: en_US)

(1) Only available if the BuddyPress xProfile component is active.
(2) Only available on WordPress Multisite configurations where it is possible to signup with a blog.

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POST /buddypress/v1/signup

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

// Example for a simple signup when the BP xProfile component is active.
bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup',
  type: 'POST',
  data: {
    context: 'edit',
    user_login: 'testuser',
    user_email: 'test@user.mail',
    password: 'password' // Always use strong passwords, not like this one!
    "signup_field_data[0][field_id]": "36",
    "signup_field_data[0][value]": "Arabic, English",
    "signup_field_data[1][field_id]": "31",
    "signup_field_data[1][value]": "Sometimes, I never travel",
    "signup_field_data[2][field_id]": "35",
    "signup_field_data[2][value]": "This is some text for my profile.",
    "signup_field_data[3][field_id]": "1",
    "signup_field_data[3][value]": "New Profile",
    "signup_field_data[4][field_id]": "19",
    "signup_field_data[4][value]": "Option 01, Option 03",
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );

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Retrieve a specific Signup

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idstringUnique identifier for the signup. It can be a signup ID, an email address, or most likely an activation key.
contextstringScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: view
One of: view, edit

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GET /buddypress/v1/signup/<id>

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup/1f56ce56bf66ef53', // Activation key.
  type: 'GET',
  data: {
    context: 'view'
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );

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Activate a specific Signup

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activation_keystringActivation key of the signup.
contextstringScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: edit
One of: view, edit

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PUT /buddypress/v1/signup/activate/<activation_key>

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup/activate/1f56ce56bf66ef53',
  type: 'PUT',
  data: {
    context: 'edit'
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );

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Delete a specific Signup

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idstringUnique identifier for the signup. It can be a signup ID, an email address, or most likely an activation key.
contextstringScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: edit
One of: view, edit

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DELETE /buddypress/v1/signup/<id>

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup/1f56ce56bf66ef53', // Activation key.
  type: 'DELETE',
  data: {
    context: 'edit',
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );

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Resend signup activation email

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contextstringScope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response.
Default: edit
One of: edit
idstringUnique identifier for the signup. It can be a signup ID, an email address, or an activation key.

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POST /buddypress/v1/signup/resend/

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Example of use

Alert: To use the bp.apiRequest function, you need to enqueue the bp-api-request JavaScript or use it as a dependency of your script. Refer to this page to know more about loading JavaScript files in WordPress.

bp.apiRequest( {
  path: 'buddypress/v1/signup/resend/',
  type: 'POST',
  data: {
    context: 'edit',
    id: '1f56ce56bf66ef53',
} ).done( function( data ) {
  return data;
} ).fail( function( error ) {
  return error;
} );